We live in a complex world. With constant effort towards making it simpler. But do we realize, that the world was simpler to begin with. Why then, does life get more complicated repeatedly, that we need to keep working at keeping it simple? The answer I believe, lies in an inherent human trait - Ambition.
It is ambition that has brought stick-wielding naked primates scouring lands for food and shelter to where mankind is today. It is ambition that gives wings to concepts in science and technology improving the quality of life for millions across the world. True, it is also this very ambition that drives the nefarious actions of a few, putting our world in jeopardy every now and then. The outcome of ambition - progress - is a double-edged sword depending on the end objective that it intends to fulfill.
But at a fundamental level, human ambition serves to drive our thinking and actions in ways where we compete, to fit in and stand out at the same time. Often at an individual level, it becomes difficult to comprehend what is good for mankind... and what is good for me? Unlike other species, humans consume resources differently and often, irresponsibly. This has, over the decades, led to technological advancements that serve to utilize our resources more efficiently. However, contrary to improving matters, these have in most cases, led to a massive rush to get 'it' first, thereby effectively defeating the very purpose of what the advancement was meant to resolve. You can see numerous instances of this in the way we commute, or eat, or what we wear, or the way we entertain ourselves. Materialism and consumerism, after all, are words less than a hundred years old!
Take the instance of mobile telephony. The need to communicate more, faster and often, led to the globally infectious telecom revolution over the last two decades. Mobile phones today are ubiquitous and indispensable. We are more connected today than we have ever been. Unfortunately, we chased connectivity alone and the means to achieve more of it. Did we chase peace of mind or the joy of conversation or the bliss of having your loved ones just a call away? I am not sure. Which is why today, we sit across our friends but we are talking to our cellphones. We peep into the lives of hundreds of people connected to us on social media but we barely know how our children are growing up. We chat with people all the time but don't listen to what is going on around us. The last email replied to before we go to bed officially ends our day and the beep of the response to that, wakes us up the next morning. In effect, we are so connected all the time that we don't really know what we would do if we were alone. Incommunicado alone.
I am not saying that is a problem. All I am saying is, you decide what constitutes a problem and what constitutes a solution, for you. As much as someone may eagerly await the buzz of the next Tweet or Facebook Like, it may disturb another just as much to face the incessant barrage of messages. Hence, what works to enhance the mood of one person may actually be working against the output of another. In our quest to improve our lives in one way, we have allowed ourselves to lose sight of what we are giving up for the prize. Because, when we gain something, we always lose something else. Eventually, all the things that we do, either make our lives more satisfying or less.
What is noteworthy is that it is a choice that each of us can make for ourselves. While there may be social norms and rules, you as an individual must determine what your Code's mapping says. Listen closely to it, figure it out for yourself. Then apply yourself to stick to it. Simply because, therein lies your maximum happiness. And what can be more important than your own happiness?
After all, isn't that what life is all about?
It is ambition that has brought stick-wielding naked primates scouring lands for food and shelter to where mankind is today. It is ambition that gives wings to concepts in science and technology improving the quality of life for millions across the world. True, it is also this very ambition that drives the nefarious actions of a few, putting our world in jeopardy every now and then. The outcome of ambition - progress - is a double-edged sword depending on the end objective that it intends to fulfill.
But at a fundamental level, human ambition serves to drive our thinking and actions in ways where we compete, to fit in and stand out at the same time. Often at an individual level, it becomes difficult to comprehend what is good for mankind... and what is good for me? Unlike other species, humans consume resources differently and often, irresponsibly. This has, over the decades, led to technological advancements that serve to utilize our resources more efficiently. However, contrary to improving matters, these have in most cases, led to a massive rush to get 'it' first, thereby effectively defeating the very purpose of what the advancement was meant to resolve. You can see numerous instances of this in the way we commute, or eat, or what we wear, or the way we entertain ourselves. Materialism and consumerism, after all, are words less than a hundred years old!
Take the instance of mobile telephony. The need to communicate more, faster and often, led to the globally infectious telecom revolution over the last two decades. Mobile phones today are ubiquitous and indispensable. We are more connected today than we have ever been. Unfortunately, we chased connectivity alone and the means to achieve more of it. Did we chase peace of mind or the joy of conversation or the bliss of having your loved ones just a call away? I am not sure. Which is why today, we sit across our friends but we are talking to our cellphones. We peep into the lives of hundreds of people connected to us on social media but we barely know how our children are growing up. We chat with people all the time but don't listen to what is going on around us. The last email replied to before we go to bed officially ends our day and the beep of the response to that, wakes us up the next morning. In effect, we are so connected all the time that we don't really know what we would do if we were alone. Incommunicado alone.
I am not saying that is a problem. All I am saying is, you decide what constitutes a problem and what constitutes a solution, for you. As much as someone may eagerly await the buzz of the next Tweet or Facebook Like, it may disturb another just as much to face the incessant barrage of messages. Hence, what works to enhance the mood of one person may actually be working against the output of another. In our quest to improve our lives in one way, we have allowed ourselves to lose sight of what we are giving up for the prize. Because, when we gain something, we always lose something else. Eventually, all the things that we do, either make our lives more satisfying or less.
What is noteworthy is that it is a choice that each of us can make for ourselves. While there may be social norms and rules, you as an individual must determine what your Code's mapping says. Listen closely to it, figure it out for yourself. Then apply yourself to stick to it. Simply because, therein lies your maximum happiness. And what can be more important than your own happiness?
After all, isn't that what life is all about?
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